Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Article Critique Final Draft

Final Draft

Q Part I: Locate an article from a popular media source that reports on a recent study in the field. These stories are everywhere—on Salon, Vox, Buzzfeed, Mashable, etc. The article should be for a general audience, and must be no more than one year old. We will look at examples in class. Part II. Use your research skills in the OSU Library databases to find the scholarly source study for your pop-source. In other words, where did Mashable or Vox find the study they are writing about? Once you’ve found it, you’ll need to read and understand it. This is hard, but it’s great practice!

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The pop-source gets the information right about post trauma of the Trump Era that American citizens are still succumbed into. The important elements related with trauma and disorder have been used less in the course of the writing. The core elements used in the article dedicated to the bipartisan politics, and impact after he is gone establish that the meanings are not distorted. However, the exaggeration is found in the article where the protestors’ activities are mentioned.